Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Book Review: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

Ms. Love's reading group just finished reading Liar, Liar Pants on Fire by Gordan Korman. This book is about a girl named Zoe who tells lies about things like having a nuclear toilet and an Eagle's nest made out of a wok.

Most of our group didn't really care for this book because it was about lying, a little boring and didn't have enough action for our tastes. Other people may like this book because it was funny at times. Also, we thought it was kind of weird that the main character was a girl, because this book seemed like it was written more for boys.

Ms. Love, Dakota, Cody, Ashley, Adam and Thomas

1 comment:

  1. You've demonstrated perseverance by reading the whole book. I'm proud of you that you finished it even though you didn't exactly enjoy the experience. I think it is okay to say that you didn't enjoy the book since you backed it up with good reasons. You've obviously put a lot of time and thought into this book and your work shows. Way to go! -Mrs. Yokley
